
Hi there. Thanks for visiting.

The content I’ll be producing for ReVerbmusicblog is basically old and new stuff which I pick up on and find interesting. Often there are stories behind songs or artists that can add another dimension to the jungle of music out there – My aim is to find as many as I can and produce them in an interesting way with my own personal views and likes thrown in. Being new to the fold of the global blogging nation, I set out to develop my blogging skills and provide a stew of different categories with playlists, news and quirky facts – and I’m really looking forward to your comments, tips and advice.

I hope you get some benefit from it and I look forward to being part of the community! So please stay tuned.


3 Responses to “About”

  1. neverclipmywings 12/05/2014 at 17:48 #

    Thank you for following my blog – and sorry for late reply, btw! 🙂 Keep on the good job!

  2. sniper 05/10/2014 at 23:56 #

    Hey there, You have done a fantastic job. I’ll definitely digg it and personally recommend to my friends.
    I’m confident they will be benefited from this website.

  3. Mac Light 12/08/2021 at 01:34 #

    I want to reach out with a song that I’ve gotten so many glowing review on. The response reminds me of the acclaim I got for my song “Believing” sung at Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday celebration:

    “Smile”: the message the for a lockdown, riot, mask/no mask weary world.
    “This is a message that we all need. With covid-19, riots and all the other negative things surrounding us, I would like people to take a moment and Smile.”
    Stuart Epps (Producer for Elton John, Led Zepplin, Oasis, Robbie Williams and George Harrison)
    Mac wanted to encourage and uplift those who are isolated with this simple message. “Light up the whole world with your smile, whenever you have a rainy day” ….
    Inspired by songs like, “Six Feet Apart”, “Stuck with U” and “Do What You Can”, Smile is a blend of great singing and great songwriting. MagicL, a collaboration of female singers and songwriter Mac Light, have the perfect song for all of us: Smile: https://open.spotify.com/album/2vrTQe1Mhkxc7ibmzJHviy?si=uuDqrq4zQL6VleSi0tnSzQ

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