Archive | August, 2016

Puts Marie – Winterthur Music Festival

21 Aug


Puts Marie: Winterthur Festival August 2016

Puts Marie: Winterthur Festival August 2016

The Swiss band Puts Marie who have been together in one formation or another since the 90’s, played a hypnotic set and held the audience despite the pouring rain in Winterthur on Saturday 20 August.
The name comes from the name of a cleaning product no less. They’re not easy to pigeon-hole their music genre so I won’t even try, but If you’ve an eclectic taste in music you’ll love them. Nick Cave, Friends of Dean Martinez, the Beastie Boys and The Velvet Underground all thrown into a pot of bubbling hot chanson bouillon, kind of sum them up for me.

Max Usata has a spellbinding and at moments eerie stage presence. He sings with a ‘sufferin succotash’ English accent, which doesn’t easily allow to understand the text he sings, but it doesn’t detract from the charm and musical adeptness of the band.

Masoch‘ their latest album (2015) is grandiose. Maybe the title is somehow connected to the Austrian author; Leopold von Sacher Masoch, who wrote ‘Venus In Furs’ – which in turn would maybe be a nod at The Velvet Underground – who knows …  but whatever the origins you should definitely buy it and see them live. You might not feel any cleaner but you’ll definitely be hooked.






Scaffold Your Cause

18 Aug



‘Scaffold’ was written by Martin Bezzola and myself in 2013.
It grew from a piece of music Martin Bezzola ( wrote and from there it transformed over time to what it is now.
The video was filmed by Kate Sweeney ( at the beach in Blythe in northern England on a very warm, sunny day. Expecting rolling clouds and rough seas, the weather was uncharacteristically the opposite.

If you happen to like the song and you would like to buy it, that isn’t possible to be honest. But you could share it and donate any pennies, rappen, centime – however small the amount to the the people who are helping refugees out of their own pocket and time at ‘Schwizerchruez’. Or even just check them out and decide for yourself.

With the above link you’ll find out everything about the organisation – and how to donate, there’s a lot of the website in English. Film reportage (also partly in english) can be also found here via Swiss TV about how Schwizerchuez are helping out with the refugees in Greece – which is beyond crisis and is still unfortunately a bitter and an ever growing seriously bad situation for all. It’s not about tying a yellow ribbon or bad conscience or good-doing, their help is just necessary.



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